The Dink Network

Richard's Attack

Unique design. From the COTPATD project.
February 14th, 2004
Score : 0.2 horrible
Peasant He/Him
I downloaded this game just because of the reviews... i was bored at the time and i thought it might be fun to try it out...see how bad it was. Well...first of all i have to quote Binirit "Music: Fair. Though I'm still wondering where the music came from, because there are no midi.files in any directory". That right there is a mind bender. Anyway, im not a mean person and i usually think better of things than they really are but this D-mod is not even really worth writing a review on. I think maybe he was just trying out the editor to see how it ran? or maybe it was a joke (i dont know) Bottom line is... DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS D-MOD! it is a waste of 230 kb~