The Dink Network

Fall Trees

The three trees!
Three trees that look they are in the autumn season, these were made to go with the autumn tiles that were made by James Perley. You cant have autumn tiles without 'em!
Released:December 30th, 2002
File Size:0.00 KB
Release Notes:v1.00
January 15th, 2003
Score : 6.0 fair
Peasant He/Him
alright, after a little thinking and taking in consideration of my mistakes of what i thought about INI lines and these being released, i decided to redo my review.

3 trees I made that look good with Jame's Pearley's autumn tile pack. Simple to install, easy to use. I think the main drawback to these is that it didn't take me that long to make these, i took a simple graphics editor and changed the colors till they looked good, which took me very little time to make. Also, i could one of the trees should have been a bit more brown, which would have gone with the tiles a little better. Im surprised these were allowed to be releases since its so easy to do, but nobody had sent it in yet, and i hadnt seen it in any dmods yet, so it wasnt all that bad, but i still disgree with dethlord's score.

Not great in my opinion: 6.0