The Dink Network


Dink gets a grenade added to his arsenal.
Released:April 6th, 2002
File Size:297.02 KB
Release Notes:v0.05
August 23rd, 2006
Score : 3.5 tolerable
Peasant He/Him
Well, this grenade is really not finished or should simply have had another name. It uses the fireball graphics and does not look like a grenade in the air either. Hm, see what happens when you shoot the tree... The "grenade" stops in the air. There are two example adventures. In one you have enough grenades, in the other you don't. Well, actually you have enough to finish the game, but not enough to kill all the pillbugs. That's sad and frustrating, hehe.

I have wanted to make a new version of the DinkGrenade, but the project is just dead. Until this file gets a name that fits better and a few more fixes, which will probably be never, since I do not care, I cannot give it a higher score than 3.5. From now on anyone has my permission to overwrite this version with a perfected version of this with a better name or use the DinkGrenade name to make something more grenade-like, hopefully with gravity and collisions and everything. I have made an inventory grayhic that you can watch at
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
DinkGrenade project is dead...2ehaslSeptember 19th 2006, 02:15 AM