The Dink Network

As Good As Eternity

Massive amounts of gore and ducks
April 18th, 2002
Final+ (Rev 8)
Score : 9.5 exceptional
The DMod As Good As Eternity is a long and well built epic DMod. You must play if you like a good long story about N-th world saving.

The storyline is very good, non-linear to an extent. You don't have to do everything possible to finish the game. Sometimes it's better to leave people alone, as with the Refuge village. There are some funny characters (pianist, programmers). Those sidekicks give it a feeling of living in the game, not just doing so and so. You gather the scrolls of magic and may read them.

The gameplay is well balanced, I found it quite easy. A lot of secrets, a lot of gold and special places you may spend it, like buying golden apples (it adds strength) or game hints. Some useful items you may buy early in the game, if you meet a man who sells them.

The end boss is strong, but his stats depend on Dink's, so that he is not too easy for a good player, and not impossible to beat for anyone (or almost anyone). Two possible endings after defeating the boss.

Map is huge and deliberately worked out. Tyrsis made a good try at decorating it, and the player may find (get) even 3 maps. Some areas underground maze tiling isn't so good, but all places look different, a lot of landmarks.

Some new items added, with graphics for them. The enchanted weapons and magic in the end, also water magic filling the dry lake with water, live and dead water, CD.

Graphics for the end boss are good, he moves well, and sings(!). Some characters (programmers, wizards) are done in a simple way (minimum frames), but most of them look OK in the game. A lot of details added (computers, windows, etc). Some are old Dink graphics modified (Rainbow magic, dragon).

Sounds are choosen well, most of them are once popular songs. Some new sounds (e.g. blade wheel hit sound).

Strengths: The good storyline, large map, new graphics, some humor, balanced gameplay, bugless. The endings are well done and not too long.
Drawbacks: Some areas of the map might have much less sprites on them.

So I won't kill the pianist. He (or rather she, and russian too!) did a very good job. I think it deserves 9,5. You must download it if you like a good epic.