The Dink Network

yetisyny's Profile

Rich McGrew

My hobbies include killing ducks and burning down trees. I also enjoy long walks trying to figure out where I am supposed to go next to advance the story, complete a quest, or get another quest.

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2011-11-27 18:11:46
I was just joking about having a King. What I actually think this site needs is to NOT BE LIKE USENET. If you don't know what USENET newsgroups are like, here, try out this one via Google Groups: alt.slack. Notice how 99% of the posts are by trolls, and the other 1% are by related icky green-skinned races such as goblins, orcs, and ogres? That's because in USENET there aren't any admins and anybody can post whatever they want and get away with it, and it's literally impossible to moderate anything.

Most webs forums have admins, and if someone is trolling, the admins warn them by saying things like "Imma chargin mah lazer", and if they don't stop, they get banned. That's also how IRC channels work too, except in IRC it happens 100 times as fast. These forums should be less like USENET and moar liek IRC.

yetisyny has released 1 file

Pilgrim's Quest CheatAdd-On, CheatExceptional 9.9December 14th, 2011