The Dink Network

Shinigami's Profile

I'm 16 from brazil, I never developed anything yet but I'm working in a Dmod since 2003, It's gonna 'explode',
If you like playing Dink Smallwood Dmods, don't cheat
Dmod makers pass to much time doing Dmods, it should
be a nice thing if you don't cheat

Private Message

2009-03-01 11:23:55
I am looking for people to help me to develop this Dmod I'm from brazil so there are no dinkC programmers in here, I know everything about DinkC, ini files, hard edit, map editor, I'm also php, sql, and language programmer creator such as .obl from executables in C++, I need help because I already have storyline. But The thing I most need is a map. Which will be sent for those who might want to help me, enter in contact by adding me in your msn contact list: thank you all already. =]