The Dink Network

Shampoo173's Profile

Well about me.
I'm a dink lover (just as the most of us here).
I live in Belgium

Private Message

2004-01-16 01:32:35
Well I do stand for some creative punishment, but I think this is a little bit too much. The Psychological impact is TOO big (well maybe people in America are used to it, but where I come from not) .
Personally I knew a guy that accidentally killed a girl (10years old) that crossed the street (well in this case the girl was to blame, cause she crossed the street when the car was only 2 meters away, in a place where you can drive 50 km/h).
After a month the guy who killed the girl committed suicide cause he couldn't live with himself anymore.
SO my opinion IF and only IF the driver where drunk or something else , ok then why not... . But not for those others that are not in fault (like the person described above, well I know some would say that killing a kid is unforgivable, true but if its not your fault you shouldn't be punished for it right?), cause they have to get over it instead of being confronted by it all the time).

A couple of months ago I too was involved in a car accident where a motorbike rammed the side of our car (I was near the driver) against 80 km/h (where he was only allowed to drive 50, he catched up with a car in a road-curve with a full white line). Anyway he smashed into us and after calling the help-services (anyway, 911 you would say in America) we noticed a girl lying on her face... I was the first one to check upon her and then she turned around... That's a sight that has been burnt in the back of my eyes. I can still see it as I'm writing this, horrible really. What I'm trying to tell you is that ALMOST every human being is has a fragile mind, and in my eyes the Idea with those coffin-pictures will lead to even more depressions/suicides and/or people who go berserk and kill everybody around them (particulary in the US since almost every family has a gun there). I'll guess I'll stop my whining and let you think about it for a while


Shampoo173 has written 2 reviews

Well What Can You Say Dink's Short AdventureNormalTolerable 3.0May 6th, 2003
This is My First Review So Don't Shoot Me if I Did it Wrong (I Read the Guidelines) Plane WalkerNormalExceptional 9.0January 1st, 2003