The Dink Network

DethLord's Profile

2002-07-26 20:28:22
: : Is this a joke? Seriously, is there anything to do? The only thing I found is a sign saying there is no treasure. If there is more to do I don't want to know what it is, I just don't want to waste time searching if there is nothing at all to find. BTW, thanks for the help PureEvil.

: I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like a couple of you didn't like the dmod. I hope this dmod isn't as worse as baywatch. I guess I'll try it out despite of what other people thinks and do what I normally do best, write a review.

: - DethLord

I tried it last night and it is indeed terrible. Read my review for more details of why it is bad. It was slightly better than baywatch though only by a hair.

- DethLord

DethLord has released 3 files

Desert Tiles GraphicsDevelopment, GraphicsGood 7.3June 6th, 2002
Final Fantasy Midi PackDevelopment, MusicGood 7.7January 21st, 2002
Themes Midi PackDevelopment, MusicGood 8.2January 21st, 2002