The Dink Network

Developer Keys

Ready made buttons that do useful things when making or debugging a D-Mod.

I made one button for myself and thought others might also like a similar thing, so here they are!
Released:January 30th, 2011
File Size:3.62 KB
Release Notes:The 'T' key now uses no variables, down from 17
May 17th, 2008
Score : 8.9 good
Peasant He/Him United Kingdom
No, no that's not right. 
This is my First Reveiw..

Developer Keys... I thought "Hmm.. Sounds funky!"
So I tried them out.
They Rock!

The Great thing about these Keys is that If your'e playing Full Screen and not in Dinkedit; Windinkedit; or Windinkeditplus... It shows you what Screen you are at.

Also.. Showing what Colour Codes there are... Ingenious.

And if you want to Know how much health you Have, there you Have!

Bad things:

No Bugs or anything!(that I've foudnd)

So... This is VERY useful for a D-Mod!
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
"Developers Keys" file is incomplete?6NardokMay 11th 2010, 07:59 PM