The Dink Network

Dink Community Quotes.txt
Posted by WC on Monday March 4th, at 06:19 PM
Well, since I have nothing better to do after my surgery (6 - 9 week recovery), I've decided to make a quotes.txt file. (If you don't know what a quotes.txt file is check the main DinkSmallwood directory) The main goal of this is to make famous people in the Dink community make total fools out of themselves. So if you have anything to contribute. E-mail me. Please include the quote, the person who said it, and the person it was said to (if applicable).

Example: "Nobody said this quote" - Said Null to Void after nothing happened

Look at the comment section for rules.

The rules are:

- No heavy swearing. (We will censor some of the light stuff out, but only if it's tasteful)

- No racist remarks.

- Nothing regarding heavy sexual content. (Light snickers are ok, but only if they are tasteful)

- Rules can be updated, added or removed at anytime.

Any questions on the rules post them!