The Dink Network

Fake News: The Morrowind Network Launches
Posted by redink1 on Saturday July 13th, at 08:25 PM
Fake News Begin

Due to simply excessive suggestions using our very own complaint system, The Dink Network will drop all Dink Smallwood related content starting July 32nd, and completely switch over to the much-better RPG Morrowind. Sure, Gamespy already has a Morrowind site, but they need two!

For more, read the comments.

Fake News End

Quasi-serious tone now: Staff members played practical jokes on The Dink Network, and in turn probably confused/angered/etc everyone who bothered to visit from about 6-8 pm EST tonight. For that, I apologize... the stone was first cast by me, in slight retaliation at WC.

WC was complaining about one post DethLord posted about Morrowind. He simply wanted me to create a filter to eliminate Morrowind from the board, and said something to the likes of, "I'll go postal of Morrowind is mentioned anymore!"

So, with my evil devil-horns-of-irony on, I created a filter that would replace every instance of Dink with Morrowind in the messages on the board. I was going to remove the filter within a couple minutes... but for personal reasons I had to get off the internet for a couple hours. So I got back on and switched it back, when I discovered...

WC had crossed out the 'Dink' in 'The Dink Network' banner and placed Morrowind in its place. Well... I wasn't that happy about it I was about as happy when Tal added eyeballs to my king graphic. I quickly changed it back. I got over my anger in a few minutes, as I realized it was my fault to start with.

I once again profess extreme apologies to those who didn't like our childish behavior. There will be no punishment to WC (who thinks that he will no longer be on the staff), I started it after all, and it was all in childish, if misplaced, fun.