The Dink Network

Smallwood Throwback Contest
Posted by Sparrowhawk on Tuesday May 8th, at 03:55 AM
It's time for another contest!

Click on the comments to see the details...

Smallwood Throwback Contest

General Idea:
The general idea of this contest is to make a "traditional" D-Mod, using only what's available in the original game.

1. Your D-Mod can't use any of the following:
a) New graphics (Only those available in the main game)
b) New spells or items
c) New MIDIs/sound
d) New scripts
No wait. New scripts are allowed

2. The D-Mod can be any size. This includes how long it takes to complete the game, and how large the map is.

3. The D-Mod must use Dink as the protagonist, but the story does not have to be related to the story of the main game (it doesn't have to be a sequel, prequel, or any other -quel).

4. Try to stick to "traditional" Smallwood as much as possible. This means no elemental damage, new leveling systems, new stats, etc. Want to create some fancy puzzle Dink has to get past? Just try not to be too fancy.
This rule is going to be a judgement call on a lot of things. Basically, if it doesn't feel at all like the main game, it's out.

5. Your dmod may have already been started (and may be redefined to fit the criteria of this contest) BUT it cannot be a dmod you have previously uploaded in any form. For example, Sharp could not take Milderr 3 and use it for this contest.

6. Team efforts welcome (only one prize per placing) but a minimum of 4 entries before we "have a contest"!

7. Entries should be uploaded here, to be judged by any eligible staff member (ie, no one who's entered the contest!).

8. The deadline for entries is 8th of July 2012.

Good luck!

Thanks Pillbug for the suggestion