The Dink Network

Pollocracy five: Lacking a title
Posted by metatarasal on Thursday April 15th, at 05:02 PM
Welcome back everybody, it's been nearly three months since the last pollocracy. Now, 9 polls later we have recieved some fresh comments about the recent polls. Just check out the comments to see the... comments.

So, three months on and we once again learned some important lessons:

- People don't really care about when they vote in the poll ( Poll 141 ) Or maybe we're really divided about it... I suppose the jury is till out on this one.
- The most anticipated DMOD this year is the one that hasn't come out yet. ( Poll 143 ) Perhaps this makes sense...
- Time is best measured in the 'other' unit. ( Poll 145 )
- The girl in the original game is named Chealse, not Chelsea. I just hope nobody noticed that one... ( Poll 146 )
- Insults generally don't get you a place in pollocracy (general comment)

So, here are the comments themselves, enjoy! (Note: Text [between square brackets] is mine )

Poll 140: Favorite property of a banana?

4) the only reason i'm going out with mine is because of her curves.
3) I like 'em yellow, like the good old DinkC book.
2) The smelliness,the spaminess,the almost complete non-apperarance of it as a ligthtsword alternative in any DMOD.
1) Actually, the part where you drop the peel on the floor, and a fat guy slips over it. Sadly, this is not an option. I'm disappointed in you, poll-maker!

Poll 141: When will you vote in this poll?

4) Why do today what you can postpone until tomorrow?
3) but now? I guess I can wait half of the remaining day and then vote this... Hmm, is my answer correct then? I will surely not vote yesterday and I will have voted tomorrow, but if you take a time in today I will always have voted later...
2) Why on earth should I vote for yesterday or tomorrow? That's not only illogical, it's irrational and stupid as well!!
1) If I vote for tomorrow and then don't vote for today, the next day, does it cause a paradox?

Poll 142: Avatar?

3) I decided not to go see it seeing as the only place free always was next to Tal
2) what is the question, actually?
1) If you mean the forum avatar then sign me up for a custom one (are nudes allowed?). If it's the movie Avatar that you're talking about then sure, I'l have a custom Navi for a pet.

Poll 143: Most anticipated DMOD this year?

3) pilgrems quest [Still waiting for that one? That's old school man.]
2) Bloop the fish 3
1) The scourger updated/revamped and with more scourging goodness - so get right on it you!! [Heh, flattering does work...]

Necromancer catagory) 6 people. Apparently. (And no, it's not going to be released tomorrow.)

Poll 144: Favorite Dead Dragon Carcass cult line?

1) Hey baby, what ya doin' tonight?

Poll 145: How long should polls stay up?

3) how about 10 day, sounds like a good round number, and it relates to dink: all base walks are a multiple of 10
2) How many times must I say that time is an illusion? Seriously, no matter how you put it it will still be viewed as out for 123 nanoweeks.
1) Until people start complaining they've been up too long. That's when you make a poll about how long the polls should stay up. Not unlike this one, where people will respond with "Until people complain that...."

Poll 146: Favorite ammunition?

3) I love loading my artillery with Chelsea, it's too bad there is only one of her.
2) Because she is more aerodynamic than any of the other choices
1) shooting is for newbs, just eat it! and don't tell me bonca droppings would be a better choice then [Good thing you didn't vote Chelsea...]

Poll 147: Are you developing a DMOD?

3) Multiple. And they are going to be awesome when they release in 2032
2) err... Does dreaming count!!
1) Huh? DMODs? What are those?

Poll 148: Best season?

3) Fall? What is this 'Fall'? I know of no season called 'Fall'. Silly Pollers. [Fall is when Americans celebrate the end of summer]
2) yep summer glau! she is devine! aw yeah baby! wait... what? season? what are you talk.... oh... dont tell anyone k?
1) There is nothing like the lukewarm air as the earth barrels closer and closer toward the sun.

Okay, that's all for now. Now go comment.