The Dink Network

forumlurker's Profile

Peasant He/Him United States
We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese 
Long long ago, there were a man who try to make his skill ultimate. Because of his bloody life, it's no accident that he was involved in the troubles.

Private Message

2015-07-18 00:24:21
Peasant He/Him United States
We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese 
Yes stuff like D&D, and it's not Spelljammer, just because I am playing a race from it and we might get into space when we get bored with things that are not space does not make it Spelljammer, or maybe it does, but yes there will be magitek up the ass, like Eberron but with an emphasis on seafaring and stuff like that. I could ramble on about campaign ideas and stuff I want to do in the future, but this thread is not the place for that, probably.

EDIT: actually i'm thinking of dragging some of you people into a game using either Roll20 or Skype, I have a feeling it wouldn't go too well for some reason, but I might make a thread on the idea later.

forumlurker has released 1 file

Dink Hotel (The)D-Mod, RompGood 7.1April 2nd, 2019