The Dink Network

Updated Dev File: WinDinkEdit

Thanks to help from redink, WinDinkedit 1.0 Final is out complete with hardness editors (view the readmed to leanr how to use it). Of course, lets not for get the Source for those of you that wana hack it. View the comments to read the changes. P.S. All reviews for WinDinkEdit have been trashed.

--------Version 1.0 Final updates

New Features/Improvments

-Tile Hardness Editor added.

-Sprite Hardness and Depth dot editor added.

-Added Brush Size for Tile Hardness Editor (under options).

Bug Fixes:

-Modified sprite selection so it defaults to smallest sprite. Based on modified code from redink. Thanks! (He is officially not a lazy ass )

-Interal varible bug in WinDinkEdit, caused rare crashes.