The Dink Network

Ask Tal: Whether you like it or not...

As much as I hate to say this, and as much as I hate to be master of the obvious, I have decided to end Ask Tal. I know I'm "smashing the hopes and dreams" of all my "loyal fans" when I say this, but unfortunately, a number of factors have convinced me to call off AT. (This is the part where you read the comments for the rest of my junk.)

1. Lack of motivation. Hopping up every Saturday morning to answer a list of questions that grew exceedingly dumber with each passing week simply wasn't something that got my working groove on. Frankly, I was beginning to realize that it wasn't my cup of tea.

2. Sorrow. The purpose of Ask Tal was to amuse people...but it was rather difficult to write a witty article when all I had on my mind was "Gee golly gosh, nobody loves me!" or something to that extent. The truth of the matter is that I'm not really a happy fellow. I'm the kind of person who feels "complete" when in someone's arms or when someone tells me that they love me; otherwise, I feel horrid round-the-clock. And no, I don't want your blasted sympathy.

3. Miscellaneous other reasons that I've forgotten due to my poor memory.

Perhaps now you'd like to know just what purpose I have on the Network...well, for the time being, I'll be validating reviews, monitoring previews, posting news, the like. I may play a bigger role when Dan rolls out the next design, who knows. Also, the previous ATs will be re-posted by the end of the week, I promise.

I'm sorry...

Hi Alli.