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Reply to Re: Easy DinkC beta testing

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January 7th 2008, 10:12 AM
Peasant He/Him Norway
Back from the ashes 
Okay, the program runs now, even though the commandline still complains:
(easydinkc:8391): libglade-WARNING **: could not find glade file ''

Aye. I first try loading "./" and then the one in the installation location. The first one will
often fail, and thus you get that message. I might fix it, I don't know.

[...]I do not think it should start colouring your text if you do a `1 somewhere else than in the beginning of your string).

Good point. I'll fix that... done!

Undo/redo works well, but could you bind Ctrl+Y to redo too, next to Ctrl+Shift+Z?

I'll see what I can do. I'll save it for later, though.

Same thing basically with tabbing: ctrl+tab as a shotcut key added for that (next to ctrl+alt+PageUp/Down).

Yup. Later. Ctrl+Tab in my window manager switches virtual desktop, though, so it's not a safe shortcut.

Undo/redo can already reside in the Edit menu as they are available features, apparently.

True... if I find a way to programmatically trigger an undo in the control.

Dragging a file or URL from Nautilus or Firefox results in the program pasting the address as text rather than opening the file. This functionality can, of course, stay for real text that you're dragging over to an application.

I'll work on that soon. Thanks for informing me.

When opening a file, I think you should be able to select multiple files to open, or even a tool on the left side of the program that can open and list all scripts from a Dmod. This could be even further improved by telling the configuration dialog where the original Dink is, and always include these default scripts on the left pane too in a different colour to indicate they're unmodified system scripts (like gray). This would make it a LOT easier for a Dmodder to say "I want to edit or overwrite a system script!", open this script in the left pane, modify it and resave it under the current Dmod. The colour of the script in the left pane would then change to a special colour, for example blue, to indicate it's a modified system script.

I'll get to work on opening multiple files. And thanks for the "script library" idea. I'll implement that at some point.

The font is nice, but could you just use "Mono" as the default? Makes more sense for coding, you should know.

Aye. I'll change the default font. The font is going to be choosable later on. I chose "Courier New", though. "Mono" had different width when bold and not bold.

Tabs really are tabs while I like my tabs the size of only two spaces. Could you modify the tab button later on to support "tab display width"?

Yup. Already planned.

I'm used to going to the first ACTUAL character in code when pressing Home, instead, it goes to the absolute left, which is usually a tab character. Will you implement this?

Fixing... done!

I can open the same file multiple times, it'd be more useful if it'd tab-jump to that file instead.

I agree. I'm planning this.

EasyDinkC handles lots of files very well, I have made over 300 files so far and there seems to be no memory and CPU increase at all (some files have some big scripts open, too)! Nice work.

Thanks. Actually, besides my freeing memory where freeing is due, you can thank the makers of GTK and GtkSourceView for it. They code effectively.

Okay, so the program seems stable, but so far, lacking in some basic features. Will you consider some of my ideas once the basic stuff is out of the way?

Most of your ideas are already planned and/or added to my list of things to do now. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.