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Reply to Easy DinkC beta testing

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January 6th 2008, 03:28 PM
Peasant He/Him Norway
Back from the ashes 
Hello good denizens of the Dink Network. I am currently working on Easy DinkC version 2 and I've come to a point where I would like some testers and some feedback. For a little taste of the goods, take a look at a screen shot I just made.

However, there's a little draw back. I develop in Linux, and thus you will probably need Linux to do testing for me. I know there are a few people on here who run Linux all the time or occasionally, so to those of you who do -- I want your help.

How to get the source code is described here. You will need autoconf, automake, GTK+, libglade and GtkSourceView. There may be more stuff, you'll know when you try configuring and compiling.

What I want from you testers are ideas for improvements, feature requrests and patches (If you know how to code C, just make your modifications, create a diff file and send it on over. If your stuff is good enough, I'll even let you join in as an official co-developer!)

You non-testers who are watching this thread: Feel free to give me improvement ideas and feature requests too. Seeing the code and actually running the program will make it easier than just looking at the picture, though, but I'm sure the brightest of you can come up with stuff I can add anyway.

Windows users: There will be no proper release version until I also have this working on Windows. For now, it's simpler to just work on Linux, as it follows POSIX standards and crap, and then just adhere to Windows' strange quirks later. For the moment, though, just enjoy the screen shot. It's a little simple so far, but after all, the only things working are New, Save, Save As, Close and Quit, as well as the About dialog. Expect niftier screen shots as I progress.

Some details that may not be gathered from the screen shot alone:
* Syntax highlighting is real-time
* Bracket matching is enabled (As you can see by the starting bracket of the main function is matched by the end bracket further down)