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April 30th 2005, 09:50 PM
well yesterday i downloaded soldat from and finaly after installing it and seting up the server i find out that the dam 3d card that im using (witch is the main problem that my computer has)doesnt suport it, i know its a relativly new game and that using a trident card with 4mb on it wont suport alot and i usualy use software enulated programs that will alow me to run alot more than i actually can its just seems that i cant get away without upgrading any more but whos folt is it really is it mine or is it the fact that running a pentiumII mmx 233Mhz with 64mb of ram a trident 3d card with 4mb of vidio ram and a broken vid out port and an ADSL modem at 512 is enough for what i do but soon enough i will have to upgrade and that time i will hate because i will have to buy a computer that is top of the line and will probably cost about $12 000 dallars and i dont have that sort of money to throw at a machine that i wont use that much any way well mabye i should just a $30 dallar voodo card with 12mb on it and that will solve that but what i find wierd is that when i first had the computer it was the best of the best well it is funny how times change