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Reply to Re: UK one of the least religious countries in the World

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April 15th 2015, 10:37 AM
Peasant They/Them Netherlands
Never be afraid to ask, but don't demand an answer 
That isnt a good enough reason there plenty of traditions like More primitive forms of animal slaughter,Burning people alive,Stoning people ect.

And what is wrong with those things? Is it wrong because it's cruel and unethical, or is it wrong because it is a tradition?

Do we just sit back and say "Oh well it just plain tradition so its ok"

If it is just a tradition? Nothing more? Why wouldn't that be ok?

No it isnt I dont want paedophile priest to have control over what I do and act.

Can you explain the logic that lead you to believe that every priest is a pedophile?

What sort of control does a priest have over people who go to church only for a wedding or a funeral?