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January 20th 2015, 07:15 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I decided to run AWStats on my server (the one hosting Dink Solutions) to see what it would pick up on. Most visitors are actually Chinese people who want to break in by running an SQL injection or something. For Oct '14 these were the most popular walkthroughs:

The most popular walkthrough is Cast Awakening 1 followed by Cloud Castle 2, then Stone of Balance. (The list on the main page isn't really accurate as Mystery Island has had very few views)
Malachi the Jerk got 70 views and "Dink and the 4 Towers got 48". Historical Hero 2 got 37 views in that same time period, although I haven't filtered bots out.

Lots of people are searching for a walkthrough for "Malachi the Jerk" and the search terms are hilarious at times:

dink smallwood mystery island walkthrough
dink smallwood walkthrough
dink smallwood walkthrough furball
what are some of the secrets or technics you can to get rid of scorpions
walkthrough for dmod malachi the jerk
is malachi a jerk or nah
dink smallwood cast awakening walkthrough
dink cheese

I'm looking into Piwik now because it's capable of analysing Apache logs and appears to do a much better job of it.