The Dink Network

Couple bugs

Red Shield v1.2

December 18th 2007, 10:11 AM
Peasant They/Them
Dink's Level doesn't seem to be updating... currently -142 experience so should be lvl 3 yet didn't get the level... Also when Dink goes to the Medical center to heal, his friends don't heal as well so they are just about out of every fight after reaching 0 once since I haven't found a way to heal them yet...

Fighting is little slow but looking forward to continue testing this dmod..

Edit: forgot to add that Fred (2nd friend- 3rd char on combat screen) is getting no experience even though both the other friend and Dink are... Not sure stats updated when Dink got level 2, but not positive...

Edit2: ok tried uninstalling the dmod and reinstalling now won't reinstall with DFArc2... which is what I used to install it in the 1st place... So now not totally sure which version I was running before since it didn't show on the starting... also using Dink 1.08 ...
December 18th 2007, 10:01 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia

I can see why you are getting those phenomena. The code for those things is absent.

None of the characters can level up past 2... I'm surprised you have so many experience points. The idea is that you try to avoid the fights while collecting the potions.

If the two friends came with you after being assigned the mission, you were playing v1.2. I don't know why it won't reinstall; most likely a bug in DFArc2. Just rename it to rshield.tar.gz and extract it in winrar or something.