Lyna - Apple
Lyna's Story
January 10th 2003, 12:31 PM


I've found two fruits in Lyna's Story (v. 1.1), but where is, I think it's an apple? Lowest fruit on the door with all three.
: I've found two fruits in Lyna's Story (v. 1.1), but where is, I think it's an apple? Lowest fruit on the door with all three.
: Thanks!
It's actually in the same cave as the "fruit gate" but in the shadow world there's a wall of thorny vines in the way, so you can only enter that have of the cave by jumping off the cliff to a small ledge.
: Thanks!
It's actually in the same cave as the "fruit gate" but in the shadow world there's a wall of thorny vines in the way, so you can only enter that have of the cave by jumping off the cliff to a small ledge.
There are steps down into a small cave one screen south and one east of the exploding globe tree.