The Dink Network

Sister's task fault...

Legend of Smallwood: A Dink to the Past

December 30th 2015, 04:08 AM
Peasant He/Him Canada
Millimeter is Wee-Lamm, Recording Artist. :-) 
There is a bug in the Sisters quest, when playing through v1.09HD, that won't allow Susan (sister 2) to respond, when you have been sent to check on her by Betty (sister 1).

In 'woman2.c' there is a variable defined, '&woman'. This is also defined as a global, in Main.c, which is over-ridden by the local variable. To correct, edit woman2.c and comment out the top line which reads;

int &woman;

so it reads instead,
//int &woman;

January 1st 2016, 09:30 AM
Peasant He/Him Sweden bloop
Life? What's that? Can I download it?! 
DinkHD is weird. So much incompatibility! Nice that you're correcting stuff for it.