The Dink Network

Stone of Balance

Released:July 21st, 2024
File Size:34.02 MB
Release Notes:Version 3.08 fixes
Fixed nohit on grass in Land 5
Stone Giants now remember if Dink attacks them, and will attack on site after that
Gold tree depth dot adjusted again (something weird going on here)
Dink can't turn his children into roaches in Land 6
Dink gets hurt if he attacks his children in Land 6
Restored the WhipIt music track for Impregnatation Trial part 1
Black/purple scorpion is tougher in Land 7
Fixed Hammer of Truth not unloading properly between loading saved games
Fixed screen mismatches in Story 1 around Goblin's lair entrance
Fixed typos in dialogue
Fisherman in Story 2 no longer gives multiple picks
Fixed end of Story 2 so you can not get mud pack if backpack is full, have to lose something first
Fixed hardness in giant maze
Graves in Story 3 only give one skull now
Yorick's grave only gives one anvil now
Can't get back multiple stones in Story 4
Fixed slayer stuck on hill in Forest of Wickedness
Fixed Flamebow so it works better with standard Bow Lore
Adjusted salad dialogue from wizard and items to be a little clearer
Screenlocking dragons only drop silver in Story 5
Flames on volcano set to no_hit in Story 5
Blood fountain's talk text set to Dink not fountain.
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Released:May 25th, 2024
File Size:33.75 MB
Release Notes:Version 3.07 Fixes
Fixed some screen match errors in Desert and Reverence Lands
Fixed armorer's script in Land of Reverence
Fixed Balder's script in Land of Reverence regarding finding Josephine's father
Tweaked fire pots in Church of Indulgence
Tweaked single talking Stonehenge blocks
Added standard death scene to Citadel Cleaner if Dink kills him
Adjusted Citadel screenlock guards to be tougher
Stronghold riddle bmp shows up on first entering that screen in Land 4
Fixed salad being able to be eaten without crashing game in Land 5
Tweaked the sign to land of the Giants to say off limits once Dink has 5th piece
Fixed depth dot ques on gold trees etc in Land 5
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Released:May 20th, 2024
File Size:34.02 MB
Release Notes:A fair few fixes.tweaks thanks to Robj's help and his play through.
Saved games now directly included thanks to Drone1400's Martridge program

Fixed the Drunk's table so it doesn't respond to being hit if the Drunk is not there
Can no longer talk to Oracle through the wall
Replaced 'loose' with the correct word 'lose' in Queen's dialogue
Reduce dialogue repetition with sleep bomb maker
Tweaked the putting out fires to big maze to work smoother in Land 2
Tweaked script regarding placing of stepping stones to island in Land 2
Fixed Bowman's dialog so he doesn't talk about the Guard's Dilemma if already answered in Land 3
Fixed mud script and amulet scripts so they don't interfere with cut scenes and end battle in Land 3
Fixed getting the red stone/jewel twice in end battle in Land 3
Fixed the big cactus fertilising so it works properly
Tweaked Bonca farmer so he always reacts to mud usage
Fixed Goblin Camp guard so he doesn't react twice to raw steak if already eating jerky
Fixed using Skulls in Story 3
Fixed first ring script so text doesn't appear over next screen
Tweaked rings' sound on teleport
Adjust Armourer's anvil appearing to be the brown one, and not hidden behind walls
Armourer's fight continues if you leave without killing him
Grave skulls stay if you don't pick them up
Bowman on plateau can now sell a pick if you don't have one
Fixed pisspot cut sequence of going onto different (prison) screen in Land 4
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Released:May 13th, 2024
File Size:33.76 MB
Release Notes:Fixed bug in Story 1 in which Dink could sing before finding the Oracle and getting the Book of Songs
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Released:April 22nd, 2024
File Size:33.76 MB
Release Notes:* Blacksmith/Armourer's wall sprite fixed

* Man in cave with 4 deadly steps in Story 3 no longer a ghost

* Fish pond in Story 4 now drowns Dink if he teleports there

* Hardness error between screens 752 and 753 fixed

* Secret Bowlore doesn't break Heavy Bow

* Going up and down cliff in Story 6, Dink remains frozen so that screens don't go weird

* Dink can talk to Crustaceous and not her children before they appear corrrectly now

* Cthullos and Decretius now have name consistancy (I hope) with Pilgrim's Quest

* Purple Pear Tree not giving a second pear

* removed debug talk/text on screen 99 in story 1

* Fisherman in story 2 able to give pick

* Hammer of Truth no longer plays punch sounds in directions 2 and 8 when being thrown

* Not leaving the Castle before a cut scene plays out

* The Genie is story 2 reward for not having some R and R actually giving you four extra defense points

* The Hammer of Truth doesn't glitch multiple times when rapidly pressing the CTRL key, or having frozen Dink sprites appear.

* Hammer of Truth works on Bonca farmer in Story 3

* Added kill_this_task() to all spawned scripts

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Released:April 8th, 2024
File Size:33.76 MB
Release Notes:Removed punch sound when using Hammer of Truth
Fisherman in story 2 able to give pick
Hammer of Truth works on Bonca farmer in Story 3
Added kill_this_task() to all spawned scripts
added xsave2.dat to xsave7.dat files at dmod level for Story starts
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
Released:April 6th, 2024
File Size:33.74 MB
Release Notes:This fix is a tweak of the Hammer of Truth to remove the multiple hammers bug if you rapidly press CTRL key as the hammer returns, as well as frozen Dinks staying on screen.

The genie reward of +4 defense works

The 3.01 fix of being able to exit the Castle during the cut scene is in this release too

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Released:April 1st, 2024
File Size:33.74 MB
Release Notes:should fix the glitch of being able to escape Castle in Story 1

Also adjusted the "inn sign" graphic to remove a few white pixels
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Released:March 31st, 2024
File Size:33.74 MB
Release Notes:This is the redux version of Stone of Balance, not sure what version to call it... I guess 3.00

Many tweaks, a few new midi and sound files plus quite a few new graphics. Overall story has not changed, just have added more clues and less running around overall, added 'good' ending to the Land of Reverence story - plus adjusted some of the adult content, addressing Tim's comments from his book. See the SOB_REDUX.txt file for more details.

If nudity and sex are not something you want in a DMOD, then I'd recommend you skip this one.

Included are saved games from my playthroughs while testing this version, in case you just want to play
only a particular area of the DMOD.

These are for the start of each new story - from lands 2 to 7. They are at the DMOD folder level as
well as in a folder "storyStarts", save2.dat to save7.dat - so immediately accessible as well as able to be
copied across if required.

Script files are in .c not .d, new graphics have not been dir.ff.

There is a preload_seq weirdness in DinkHD for the crawling through a hole graphics - I added two more bmps for this so Dink's feet go completely inside the hole. I don' see this when using freedink.

I've tested this mainly using DinkHD on a PC, but have also tested through on freedink.

Not tested in mobile versions or the web based one, hopefully nothing weird in either of these methods of play, if there are please post on the Dink Network letting me know what platform the error occurred on.

I have not updated the walkthru txt file...
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
Released:February 29th, 2004
File Size:7.81 MB
Release Notes:v2.14b
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)