The Dink Network

Rise of the Rebels

Yay, recess! From the COTPATD project.
No description available.
Released:December 15th, 2000
File Size:2.75 MB
Release Notes:v1.00
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
February 25th, 2002
Score : 5.9 fair
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Plot: The people on the island where Dink lives are forming a resistance against the government on the other island. Dink joins them. He goes to the other island to kill the government there.

Difficulty: It's a very short and easy D-Mod to play. The map is tiny so you'll never get stuck.

Graphics: Nothing special, just trees, grass etc. Everything looks fine but the author hasn't done anything to make it beautiful.

Sound: Also nothing special, a few midi's, but they don't add something to the D-Mod.

New weapons/magic: No new ones. All you have is fireball magic and a sword.

Bugs: I haven't found any but I'm not suprised by that, it's so small and there's no 'advanced' coding done.

Other: There's a Continue button (when you start the D-Mod) but there's not a savemachine in the game. The author has also used a different font than most of the D-Mods.

Overall: It's too small to be a really good D-Mod and there's nothing special done. The D-Mod is not bad but I'd only recommend this one if you want to play everything Dink related. A very small D-Mod which doesn't offer anything new, that's a good way to describe this one.