The Dink Network

Recolored Wall Pack

Ever wondered why the original walls in Dink are the color they are?
Want to use your own colors? Look no further!

This Recolored wall pack includes Blue, Gold (shinier), Green, Purple, Red, and Grey brick stone wall sprite sequences for your very own Dmod.

See the readme for installation instructions.
Released:August 28th, 2011
File Size:992.32 KB
Release Notes:Initial version.
March 21st, 2013
Score : 7.5 good
The classic sequence 80 gold stone walls now have color choices!

They have been tinted into six new colors.

Blue, Gold(different shade), Green, Grey, Purple, Red.

Basically he tinted each frame six(6) times. There are twenty eight(28) frames. So the total amount he did (6 x 28) was 168 frames. That's a lot.

An issue with these is that they don't have a hard box set. It would have nice if he had provided us with those.

This is a really good pack if you're looking for colored stone walls.