The Dink Network

Lyna's Story

What genius built this bridge above a volcano? Inside a shop
August 21st, 2013
Score : 9.6 exceptional
Peasant He/Him United States
Making Topics off-track faster then you can say it 
Plot: Lyna hears that knights sent on a mission have yet to return and since Dink isn't around she decides to take matters into her own hands and does quite well at it, though she does have to steal from the dead knights
Music: For me it fit the area quite well, I couldn't find anything better, unless we had Midis with lyrics...
Time: It took an hour or two, maybe three, but it was quite a worth while experience and I hope another one like it comes out.
Personal: It was a worth while experience and nice to play another great D-mod, I hope it becomes a trilogy or at least more like it.
Bugs: The only problem I found was sometimes when I loaded a file while in the shadow world, the colors went back to the normal world in parts, but it wasn't that bad and only happened sometimes.
Recommendation: For those who want a different hero that can still do great work like Dink, play this.