The Dink Network


One of the better looking screens from the D-Mod. Dink made it to the entrance of hell! Just kidding. I have no idea why author made this to be the D-Mod's second screen. An example of a bad map screen from the D-Mod.
July 4th, 2002
Score : 7.6 good
A brave little Dmod, it's not bad. It's about Dink beeing trapped in some dreamland called 'Dinkopolis' and he must kill a few easy bosses to escape.

Goods: I laughed a lot in this Dmod, I found some parts funny, and it was hard to find any bugs in this Dmod.

Bads: I liked the Dmod, so I was upset that it was short. You can't rescue the girl that's on the clif, and the money you get from killing slayers is useless.

Conclusion: *Download* I reccomend this Dmod to people who like Dmods that are average, not so long, and almost bug free.