The Dink Network

DFArc 3

Released:June 6th, 2018
File Size:2.34 MB
Release Notes:This release fixes CVE-2018-0496: Sylvain Beucler and Dan Walma discovered several directory traversal issues in DFArc, an extension manager for the Dink Smallwood game, as well as in Dink Smallwood HD, allowing an attacker to overwrite arbitrary files on the user's system.

Also in this release:

- New Swedish and Friulian translations.

- Updated Catalan, Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish translations.

- Fix crash when clicking on 'Package' when there is no D-Mod present.

- Compilation fixes for OS X.

- Reproducible build process for Windows (as well as GNU/Linux depending on your distro) - see
Released:October 16th, 2014
File Size:5.17 MB
Release Notes:- DFArc now launches Dink and Dinkedit asynchronously, so you can run the editor even when the game is running.

- Improve extract & package performance.

- Fix infrequent off-by-1-pixel bug in logo animation.

- New Serbian, Catalan, Turkish, Esperanto, Brazilian Portuguese and Hungarian translations, as well as translations updates.

- Upgrade to wxWidgets 3.0.
Released:November 14th, 2010
File Size:1.02 MB
Release Notes:- Search for dink* executables case-INsensitively (e.g. "Dink.exe" works, not only "dink.exe")

- New Dutch and updated Polish translations

- No .dll files (autonomous dfarc.exe)
Released:October 30th, 2010
File Size:2.04 MB
Release Notes:- Logo animation when selecting a D-Mod.

- Language selection: set DFArc's language in the Options (so you don't have to modify your system language to test a translation).

- Language selection: when translations are available for a D-Mod, allow the user to choose one in a listbox.

- Updated Danish, Finnish, Italian and Polish translations.

- Developper buttons are shown by default - we can't let users miss that they can makes their own games!

- If Dink crashes, don't (mistakenly) report that it was not found, but (correctly) report that it failed.

- Enable editor warning again, it previously stopped working because of a bug.
Released:March 21st, 2010
File Size:2.34 MB
Release Notes:5 new translations
Details can be found at:
Released:September 19th, 2009
File Size:2.32 MB
Release Notes:- To find where Dink is installed, look in the directory where dfarc.exe is placed rather than in the registry or dinksmallwood.ini. The Dink directory can still be explicitely specified in the options.

- Use only 2 numbers in versions (3.x)

- Include the .dll in the .zip
Released:July 10th, 2009
File Size:271.91 KB
Release Notes:Initial version.