The Dink Network

pt's Profile

2003-02-25 11:02:31
Peasant He/Him
alright... I found this in the readme file of WDE:

Hardbox mode:
To place a hard tile simply press C to copy a tile, S to stamp a tile, and Q to edit the hardness. Only one tile can be stamped or copied at a time. Pressing delete will revert the current tile the mouse is over back to it's default hardness. To select a new tile press E and you will be taken to a hardtile selector similar to the sprite selector. Simply click the hard tile that you would like and you will be taken back to the main screen. Press pageup or pagedown to get to the other hard tile screens.

Hardness Editing:
Whenever you have a sprite pick up (attached to you mouse) or a hard tile, and you wish to edit it pressing 'Q' will bring you into the hardness editor. In the tile hardness editor all you need to do to change the hardness is click. (Black is no hardness, Yellow is regular hardness, blue is water or low hardness, and Purple is other (unknown) hardness). Hold Crtl/Shift will select the two other hardnesses (low and unknown), you may also click and drag the hardness around (or just one simple click will change just that area of hardness). Sprite hardness is diffrent, left click and drag in order to draw the hardness box, and right clicking will move the depth dot. When exiting these two modes, press Escape, this will also save you changes.

Alright, I did past a water tile and I have changed every pixel (or what it is) into blue, but now every tile is blue, even the grass... I don't think this is right, is it?