The Dink Network

ashley's Profile

Peasant She/Her
I'm 18 and a female from the United States... what else do ya need to know!? Haha! (Oh since a few people thought I was a guy pretending to be a girl... go to yahoo and look up my profile alinker05 or send me an IM.)... crazy kids
If you want to view my myspace account here ya go! Enjoy

Eh, I was bored so I went to and downloaded Dink Smallwood... yeah I was hooked the first day haha. I NEED MORE!!

Yeah not that anyone cares or anything but my favorite band is H.I.M. Ville Vallo is such a cutie and has the BEST singing voice I've ever heard. Plus the music is hauntingly beautiful!

Private Message
YIM alinker05
AIM alinker05

2006-05-14 19:06:08
Peasant She/Her
Yes I know 2 and 3 letter words would not be scrambled... have you tried the color test? write a color out like yellow in blue ink or something (do all of the colors in a different color than what the word is) and you have to say the color of the word not the word itself.. boy that's tough! (about the psych class.. yeah after cosmetology school I'm going to go to school in the medical field.. not sure what yet.. I'm thinking a NeoNatalIntesiveCareUnit nurse or maybe a paramedic... might as well get some psychology in there haha you can never have too many degrees)