The Dink Network

EvilSmurf's Profile

2003-06-25 22:10:25
Is the truth what the president says, your parents say, or that guy who sold you a cookie at some point of your life or givin you one? Could it be that the truth is what we tell our selfs is what want to belive? Is it what our bosses tell us or life partners or our dentist that said oh ahh opp's while giving you a root canal? Would you find what everything means by straping a m80 to a puppy and running away to watch from a far , would that show us the truth I just think this each time i have nothing to do just to make my self think about anything... im sad i know this im a very sad man...

EvilSmurf has written 1 review

Very Nice D-Mod Pretty Good Prophecy of the AncientsNormalExceptional 9.8June 25th, 2003