The Dink Network

DuckFriend's Profile

Finally, I have gotten around to officially joining the grand Dink Community...
Naturally, I am working on a DMOD of my own, and it will most certaintly be an epic. You know those little squares in the Dink Edit map? I will be leaving none of the *astards blank.
Let me make it perfectly clear that it is in an alternate Dinkverse, and therefore it will not neccasarily have the same history as the other DMODs, but this makes it more consistent, and gives me license to create a more unique history for good old (bad old perhaps?) Dink
The DMOD is currently called "The Lands of Chaos", and starts off with Dink in his rather flash new house. You get to choose your initial weapons and a spell, making it more interesting . There is alot of dialogue you can engage in, if you choose, or you can choose not to talk so much and race through the game faster.
I am a working on a fantasy novel, a trading card game and this DMOD, so Im busy, busy, but I intend to have my DMOD done within about six months or so, give or take a few weeks.
And yes, I like ducks...

Private Message

2004-12-21 06:11:14
EKK!! it is creepy, I thought it was me, Duckfriend signed in then, not DraconicDink still...what a stupid mistake! Mind, you I called myself "Duckman" before I modified this...oh dear I need sleep
PS: Dont trust your lounge suite to hungry lawyers.