The Dink Network

Faizah's Profile

Peasant She/Her
The basics: I'm 21, female, and Australian.

I haven't yet made a DMOD, but I've been thinking about it for a while now.

Private Message

2005-05-28 15:32:59
Peasant She/Her
Great! Thanks.

That's a lot of information to digest, but I think I can handle it for now. I'll definitely be in again when I have a problem.

I have a loose plot worked out, and a bit of the map done already. Next, I will look into adding sprites to the map.

Actually, there's another question: I've just loaded the base Skeleton B so far, how do I add sprites? For example, say I want to put in a burnable tree, how would I do that?
I'm working in WinDinkEdit.