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Reply to Re: My first one, and problems!

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May 21st 2005, 01:28 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
DaVince: I've checked the source code and it's defined as follows (integer pointer):

int *pupdate_status, *pmissile_target, *penemy_sprite, *pmagic_cost, *pmissle_source;

Elsewhere, it checks the value of *pupdate_status as:

if (*pupdate_status == 1) update_status_all();

where update_status_all(); handles all the code in updating the statusbar.

So, that would also answer the other question in this thread (setting it to 2 or other values), it'll only update when this integer is set to 1. In scripts, it's indeed the case that only integers can be used