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Reply to What's the over-under on uploading a DMOD based on the original game?

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May 6th, 01:04 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
Takes an idiot to make an idiot 
I know there was the Achievement Edition where a bunch of silly stuff like poking fun at the infamous hardness error on Koka Island was allowed, but what about if someone put their own spin on the original Pig Farmer to Seth-Slayer story?

I'm asking because I've been poking at one for a little bit, wanting to make use of like the islands near Stonebrook and the Herb Boot salesman that went un-used - I saw somewhere that was supposed to be Porttown - but I'm asking if, when I think it's okay to go, if it would be okay to upload, or if it kind of feels like a rip-off.

I'd done the same kind of thing with Final Fantasy Tactics. I spent 3 years reworking the PSX dialog to not be written in the 60s what people thought was poorly translated, or most likely, transliterated, and to read more naturally like real people would talk - but I wrote it in a way that it didn't go fauxperean like War of the Lions did. Overusing adjectives and long-winded metaphors to say "Ow! I cut my finger" not their "This burning pain in on my thumb! It's maddening! The crimson's flowing down my gauntlet!"

But not just the story, a couple new additions as well.
Like Renton gives Dink the letter from Maria Kneedlewood personally, and a parting gift, his mother's bow.
You could kill the Bonca early before meeting Martridge for a +2 in Magic instead of a +1 in Strength and Magic.
Of course, Evolving Magic.
A couple easter eggs.
Consequences. Like killing Chealse makes Dink die from guilt. Kill Quackers in front of Ethel and she'll beat you to your literal death with a stick.
Some side objectives like saving the dude from getting mugged will give a stat bonus.
Killing Jack'll shift a couple stats around.
You can't upgrade Defense when you level, you'll have to buy armor upgrades.
You can buy Starsteel arrows for your bows for direct upgrades outside of Bow Lore.

Stuff like that's on my mind.
But I'd like to know whether it'd be allowed or not.