The Dink Network

Undocumented functions

June 3rd 2005, 04:45 PM
Peasant They/Them
From the DinkC Reference v3.2:
# Category: Undocumented
# Prototype:
# int sp_notouch( int sprite, int value <-1 to not change> );
[This command was discovered by ReDink1: "doesn't seem to be used... It might be only useful like sp_gold, sp_brain_parm, and sp_brain_parm2: just another number to have when messing with sprites." The prototype is a guess at this point, more research is needed.]

Well, I found this function's use in only 30 secs. It actually means 'no touch damage', and it seems to be a way to temporarily disable a sprite's touch damage. Besides, int value should be bool value, like this:

# Category: Undocumented
# Prototype:
# int sp_notouch( int sprite, bool value <-1 to not change> );

It doesn't return a bool, since Dink doesn't have bool's, but balls. D'OH!

And about sp_gold();, I think I can use it in a really cool way .
June 3rd 2005, 04:49 PM
Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
sp_gold() rocks. I used it to make a sokoban-type of minigame. And even more is possible