The Dink Network

Pilgrim's Quest

Vine attack! New stats on the status bar... oooo
December 11th, 2002
Score : 9.8 exceptional
Pilgrim's Quest is a great sequel to SOB.Below are some of the good and bad things about the game.
Good Things: Some BRAND NEW graphics that make the game look really awesome(priest, houses, monsters, etc.).
Spells: Besides Hellfire, Acid Rain, and Fireball, you get 4 new spells. One of the really good spells in the game is deux strike which is in a hidden area and is like mega blast from SOB but looks alot better and dosen't hurt you.
Plot: A good thing about the plot is that the whole story changes about three fourths into the game.
Features: At one point, Dink can buy one of three boats and control it in the sea. This is a great part of the game, and you have to defeat sea monsters.
Stats: Besides the regular stats, Dink gets agility, honor, and luck, which is a great feature.

Bad Things:
I think the ending is way to abrubt and it makes all of your work seem completely pointless.
The riddles can get really annoying and I even had to resort to going on the PQ web site and looking for the anwsers.
One of the reasons this was a great game is that it is very well-balanced in difficulty terms. Defeating monsters is actually quite easy if you get the light sword in The Land of Punz and later get over 20 luck to use it on the gambling game in Port Town and get 25,000. Ihave to admit though, I had to go on the message board several times for help but I just didn't level up or look around enough.

Graphics: 10

Story : 10

Difficulty: 9.9

Ending : 6.0

New Stuff: 10

Map : 9.9

Overall : 9.8

I really recommend playing this dmod! It's way better than FIAT or Prophecy of The Ancient's but about as good as SOB(I haven't played LOT yet)