The Dink Network

Dink and the Bonca

Dink tries out a new weapon. From the COTPATD project.
Released:June 28th, 2014
File Size:391.54 KB
Release Notes:For some reason I decided to do one last update to DatB

Previous versions (1.03 and 1.04) should have been 1.10 and 1.11 respectively, because of the massive update that happened in 1.03. That is why this is being called v1.12

Update notes:

-Updates to dialogue
-A few more bug fixes
-Fixed another few hardness bugs
-Added detail sprites to the Land of Ice and Snow to make it seem less barren...against original intent
-Lowered Dink's starting defense from 3 to 1 to up difficulty slightly, starting at 3 was too OP
-Added a little "flare" to the reward chests from the first mini-boss
-Applied a slight nerf to most higher level enemies to balance the difficulty curve a little better
-Detail sprites added to the Cliff dungeon
-Detail mushrooms, flowers, and other sprites added to main map
-Updated main map to better define forest borders
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Released:June 25th, 2013
File Size:383.17 KB
Release Notes:-Fixed a game breaking bug where the ice sword wouldn't put out the fire outside the final boss room
-Fixed more hardness errors
-Fixed the purple Bonca boss, so the boncas can actually hit you
-And other minor changes
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Released:June 8th, 2013
File Size:379.67 KB
Release Notes:Made a number of changes, including, but not limited to:

-Fixed the Ice Sword so it animates as I had originally intended
-Fixed a few spelling and grammar errors
-Updated some dialogue, some of it more "colorful"
-Added a side-story featuring some "mature" content as well as a prototype for my future paragon/renegade quest system
-Fixed a few hardness errors
-Applied my nerf gun to bosses as well as some dungeon-crawling enemies, to balance the game a little better
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Released:October 5th, 2009
File Size:378.74 KB
Release Notes:Fixed a handful of bugs, added some funny scripts

This D-mod is now 37% more awesome!
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Released:September 5th, 2009
File Size:383.77 KB
Release Notes:initial version
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)