The Dink Network

Cloud Castle

CC_aReason CC_Fairies CC_Start
September 10th, 2002
Score : 8.5 good
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
Honestly, I didn't expect as much out of this d-mod but it did offer quite alot. Lets go through and look at all parts of this d-mod.

Story: What looks like a story line has a nice plot built into it (not as deep as Prophecy, but deep for a quest). Stemming off of the main story are several sub-quests that directly relate to the plot. The sub quests are tierd and boring either, and some (like finding the dang tree root) challenge you to use you head.

Graphics: No new graphics, Sabre did use the ghost knight but the mapping will make up for that.

Sounds: Nice midi, sets the mood and does it's job but nothing more. No new sound effects, but hey, it's a quest, not a epic.

Mapping: Sabre and Arik kicked butt. The maping is relitivly complex, but not so complex that you will get lost or confused. The old dink sprite were nicly put together to make a unique map.

Scripting: No relolutionary scripting, but a nice mixture of simple to medium-complexity scripting. The scripts have no bugs (always a plus) and fit very nicely into the d-mod.

Overall: Good d-mod, great map, good sound, comedy, but no new graphics. 8.5