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fingle's Profile

Peasant They/Them
US cit transplanted to Italy, where games are hard to come by - in English. Thank The Powers That Be for the Web...

Private Message

2002-09-28 07:02:47
Peasant They/Them
After trying all the shores in the newly downloaded original game, I accidently 'stepped off' a bridge that goes between those islets after the playing duck brothers and took a walk around on the rivers. Even 'a walk around the world'! Desparately trying to find the passage(s) to take me where I couldn't go. Can't go under the moving rock, through the dam, around the bushes...(Should I?) and can't 'worship the duck idol' (even though I kill none or kill all the ducks in the game). Can't get an audience w/ the king, even asking nicely.

Had an interesting time getting out of a blocked situation when a bug put me almost inside the mine, and had to wait for those jiggers to come to my corner to get to them.

Only way to get back onto the mainland (having tried all shores, at least twice - I'm very patient) was slipping through the bug that let me step off the bridge originally.

What's the deal?