The Dink Network

Tahi's Profile

Peasant She/Her
I love games of all types, and have for years. I also love my husband and 3 kids, even if my two year old does drive me nuts regualrly. Enjoy "creating" stuff, whether its drawings, stories, game maps, or quilts, and looking forward to learing the DinkC and creating some stuff here too.
Today's random informaition: Tahi is pronounced Tah-"he" not "hi" cause it's short for The Eldest Tahuni, who is a wise sentient plant.

Private Message

2005-09-09 19:37:23
Peasant She/Her
So this post is just writing about writing? and here I was excited thinking I was actually going to write in the story. So where's the actual story? I guess I'll go search the other posts....