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eug1404's Profile

2003-07-07 21:11:05
Peasant He/Him New Zealand
Ok i'm fairly new to DinkC scripting and have been through a couple of tutorials but whenever i select anything in the following code it crashes my computer and pulling out the plug is the only solution .

void talk(void)
say_stop("`#What were YOU doing in pillbug manor?", &current_sprite);

"I was teleported there by a magical duck-mage to save our world"
"Im an idiot who just got lost"


if (&result== 1)
say("`#Ah ha and i'm king Daniel, u aint going anywhere", &current_sprite);

if (&result== 2)
say("`# Exactly as i thought, Get out of here scumbag!", &current_sprite);

Im guessing it will be something simple that im just too new to pick-up but yeah any help would be great.

eug1404 has written 1 review

Tis a Sad Sad Day For Us All When This is the Best Designers Can Come Up with Revenge of the PigsNormalHorrible 0.1June 18th, 2003