The Dink Network

SkeleTony's Profile

2009-09-16 01:40:21
"Just because Dogs can't speak doesn't make them stupid! if a person was born without their voicebox (the usual term for larynx or whatever the organ is) would that make them automatically stupider than a normal human being? Try to look at the world from their perspective, maybe they understand things we don't."

You misunderstand kiddo. There is a good reason I did not call nonhuman animals "stupid" and instead simply point out that they, like many humans(especially the brain damaged, very young etc.) lack abstract thinking capability.

No one is saying that inability to speak = "stupidity". If that were the case then any mute person would score abysmally low on IQ tests.

What I was trying to explain was that the physiological evolution of abstract thinking is directly tied into these other adaptations including the non-constricted larynx, the tongue, and opposable thumbs. If not for evey one of these adaptations we too would be no more capable than other primates as far as abstract thinking goes.

The larynx enabled complex speech-communication. Opposable thumbs enabled tool use, etc. There is a LOT more that goes into how 'intelligent' a species is than simple brain size and complexity.