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Armitage's Profile

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ICQ 92636554

2003-01-29 17:55:26
Greetings, fellow Dinkers.

I'm glad to see that there's still a Dink Smallwood scene, as I just got into it. This game/engine is brilliant, with top-shelf writing, graphics and coding.

You see, my /real/ computer died, and all I could piece together was a AMD-K6 @ 233 mHz-- perfect for Dink.

I've played through the original DS and Mystery Island. I also downloaded "Dry", but it seemed way to weird. Too much conversing with tables.

I've attempted to download more DMODs, but the FilePlanet Gods smile on me not. > It's really hit and miss, innit?

I've tried fooling around with DinkEdit, and had some success. It's really pretty easy if you scope out various tutorials, and look at the source of existing mods. Very, very cool.