The Dink Network

Dry - Rocks with letters


April 18th 2003, 07:33 AM
What is the meaning with the letters on the rocks? I checked the walkthru and nothing was mentioned about it, Thanks
April 18th 2003, 11:19 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Well, the walkthrough only tells you what you need to know to finish it (I wrote it) but yeah, there's a puzzle with those letters on the rocks.

It's possible to create a sentence (thirteen words) with those letters. Try to find all those letters, write them down and try to create that sentence. Good luck Even if you'd check all the scripts about that sentence, it's tough. I won't spoil it but I could give hints though... (Binirit eventually told me the sentence)
April 19th 2003, 08:56 AM
Okay, no hints,,,,just tell me. I can't figure it out. Thanks You can email me.
April 19th 2003, 09:22 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Sure, check your mail.

I can't figure it out

Heh, I only managed to find the first two words of the sentence when I was the betatester of this D-Mod.. then I decided to ask Binirit for the whole sentence
April 21st 2003, 05:58 AM
Peasant She/Her
Way too hard, huh? I'll make some easier puzzles next time!