The Dink Network

New File: Dink Smallwood v1.08 - Release Candidate 5
Posted by redink1 on Saturday January 21st, at 04:25 PM
Dink Smallwood v1.08 has withstood yet another round of testing, and is a bit stronger from the ordeal.

As before, this is a release candidate, which means that if no bugs or errors are found in the next week or so, this will be the final version.

So, if you find something that doesn't seem to work quite right, and it isn't listed under 'Known Problems', please post a reply to this thread, even if you've told me about the same problem before.

Full Install - RC5 (15.3 MB)
Patch - RC5 (1.5 MB)

For a full list of changes since Release Candidate 4, please view the comments.


* DFArc 2: When installing a D-Mod, DFArc would report a false error if the D-Mod had a folder with no files (just other folders) in it (such as in Terrania). It no longer reports an error.
* DFArc 2: When installing a D-Mod containing a file with a size of 0 KB, DFArc 2 would get rather confused. It would create a file or folder called 'ΓΏ', and stop installing the D-Mod (such as with several D-Mods like Chaos, Bane of the Magi, and Mayhem). This issue has been fixed.
* Dink: Fixed odd crashing bug related to loading new graphics (prevalent in Mayhem and the new Ice Orb Spell)
* Dink: Remove screenlock on restart game
* Readme: Made a note of slow fades in true-color mode.
* 238: Changed que of Dead Dragon Carcass
* 375: Removed fire tiles from under tree
* 379: Burnable trees screenmatched
* 538: Gave empty box correct script

Known Problems

* Fades may be slow in true-color mode even if you have fairly recent hardware. Most people seem to be lucky. Fades should not be slow in full-screen, non-true-color mode.
* Dinkedit has, and forever will, crash if you type in really big numbers. You should know better.