The Dink Network

Discussion SIX : Poll Discussion
Posted by Kyle on Tuesday March 5th, at 10:05 AM
This week I want to do something special. Linking to the recent poll, I'd like to give everyone a chance to discuss what other activities could be held here at the DN. Since most people have a positive view about this I expect to see MORE replies this time. This time there's more to read in the comments.

While I was thinking about this subject certain ideas came to mind. I've also had some suggestions from MDBones. I'll list them here, but you are in no way restricted to only talking about these things. I would prefer you to come up with new ideas too

- A seperate board for scripting and mapping questions or a seperate board about the original Dink.

- How about giving d-mod scripting and mapping "lessons" every week. You know, a post that goes about a certain aspect of scripting and telling you all possible things there are to know about it + an example. This would be a good alternative for the lack of tutorials

- Another cool thing would be a d-mod that works with add-ons that are released every week or so. I remember Friends Beyond was supposed to be like this but it turned out differently. I like the idea though. It doesn't have to be big either, it doesn't even have to be 1 d-mod. Several people could start up something like this. I might even do so if there's an interest for it.

- How about a d-mod presentation? You could send me your d-mod information, a couple of screenshots and/or a story description and then I could present that on the DN. Then, you have the chance to talk about it in the comments.

These were some suggestions, but I haven't really put THAT much thought in them nor have I asked Redink about any of these things so if he doesn't like one or more of them he better replies now

Oh, by the way, I followed an extra math-course last weekend to make sure I count right from now on.