The Dink Network

Discussion Twelve : Care to read a book?
Posted by Kyle on Tuesday July 9th, at 06:15 AM
I should have called this discussion eleven, since the previous discussion was a rip off and a propaganda stunt to convince people hosting walkthroughs at the DN would be best, but that would confuse people who're looking at the articles section. So, here we have discussion twelve. Read the comments to see what it's about.

Do you like reading books? I must admit I haven't read a book in my spare time, aside from those I had to read for school. But what about reading text in d-mods? Do you like long conversations? Do you like long cutscenes? Do you think authors should just give NPCs one-liners or should they tell you the history of the country or their life story? Do you often skip conversations or are you interested in them? And if you do like conversations, do you think they have to be about the quest at hand or can they just be about things that aren't really important, but cool to know anyway?

I suggest you warm up your fingers a bit and get ready to post something long